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Beaverton, Oregon

Metro Youth Development Programs

Metro Youth Development Program was organized to help youth develop life long skills of team work, good sportsmanship, determination, and positive attitudes through basketball.

High School basketball programs work with the youth coaches, associated with their high school, to teach drills, skills, and team concepts to prepare players for High School Basketball.  

All youth players must play for the youth program that is associated with the BSD high school boundary in which they live.

Metro Youth Basketball is more competitive and a bigger time commitment than Recreational basketball.  With tournament games on  weekends, the level of play and competition helps each player grow in their abilities.   With volunteer coaches, and access to BSD gym time, Metro youth basketball is affordable as well as rewarding.

Metro Youth Basketball Try-outs

Please visit your High school's youth program site for try-out registrations and more information about dates, locations, and times.

Good Luck! and have FUN!!

Contact Webmaster

Metro Youth Development Program

Coaches Registraion

Hello Coaches,


Please click the link below to sign up for Youth Coaching for YDP.


Metro Youth Basketball  

This website is not endorsed by any of the Metro Youth High Schools or the Beaverton School District. Any and all content found on this website is the sole responsibility of each youth program and YDP.